Standing in LOVE to support a LOVE-FOCUSED Humanity.
Loving Journey 1 (12 Weeks, 90 min)
Create the love-focused life you desire.
Service Description
The Loving Journey Program is a two-part program, twelve weeks each, designed to create the love-focused life you desire with a calmer mind and more open Personal Heart which is called your Personal Heart Power. Your Personal Heart Power is created when your calm mind and open Personal Heart work together to provide more unconditional Love, compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance for yourself and others. Loving Journey 1 is about exploring one of the following practices each week: presence, compassion, forgiveness, acceptance, unconditional love, healthy limits and boundaries in relation to yourself for the first six weeks and toward others during the second six weeks. You will also learn to achieve optimal balance on a mental, emotional, physical and spiritual level. Each week you learn a set of skills and tools to practice in caring for your mind, Personal Heart, body and spirit to create a Love Bridge between your calm mind and open Personal Heart. The last week is about exploring your soul’s higher purpose in the world. You can participate in the Loving Journey Program in a group setting, or individually in coaching sessions. You can even create your own group of at least six people.